PMI N. Macedonia Chapter 4th Annual Conference
PMI N. Macedonia Chapter organized the fourth annual conference with the topic: “What pushes the
boundaries? Professionalism or passion?” on 10 th of November 2022.
We had speakers/presenters, professionals each in their field that shared experience, knowledge and
views on the topic.
The participants had the chance to learn and share thoughts on professionalism and passion, and
what pushes each professional the professionalism or passion, what is more contagious, especially in
project management profession. Each speaker through their own experiences from different projects
and gained knowledge communicated their thoughts on the important topics of professionalism and
Nevertheless, at the end there was a workshop by Mr. Smigic that made each of the participants
contribute with their ideas and thought on how to make positive, future oriented change in
organization. The audience came to a solutions to a problems by following the process of determining
vision statement, pointing the potential constraints and finally making suggestions how to overcome
the problems and obtain the settled goals through example.

A special thanks to the respected inspirational speakers with their insightful presentations:
Radojka Helman Denkovska, presented on “What pushes the boundaries?”
Petar Dimovski, presented on “What is more contagious?”
Aleksandar Kormusovski, presented on “Passion through professionalism”.
Toni Mandzukovski, presented on “Culture in Technique and Technique in Culture”
Biljana Naumovska, presented about “Passion vs. Professionalism”
Milan Smigic had a workshop and presentation on ” How to make positive, future-oriented change in organization?”
A huge thanks to the PMI N. Macedonia Board Members and to the volunteers and to all of the attendees who also shared valuable ideas and thoughts.